How To Setup Email Forward From RR Email To Other Email

Managing multiple email accounts can be cumbersome. Setting up email forwarding from your Roadrunner (RR) email to another email account, such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo, can simplify your email management. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to forward your RR emails to another email address.

Steps to Set Up Email Forwarding from RR Email

1. Log in to Your Roadrunner Email Account

First, access your Roadrunner email account through Spectrum's webmail portal.

  1. Go to the Spectrum Webmail Login Page: Visit.

  2. Enter Your Credentials: Log in using your Roadrunner email address and password.

2. Access Email Settings

Once you’re logged in, you need to navigate to the email settings to set up forwarding.

  1. Locate the Settings Icon: This is usually represented by a gear or cogwheel icon.

  2. Go to Mail Settings: Select the “Mail” or “Email” settings option from the menu.

3. Set Up Forwarding

In the email settings, you can configure the email forwarding option.

  1. Find the Forwarding Option: Look for a section labeled “Forwarding” or “Mail Forwarding.”

  2. Enter the Forwarding Address: Input the email address to which you want your RR emails forwarded. Ensure you enter it correctly to avoid any issues.

  3. Save Changes: Click “Save” or “Apply” to enable email forwarding.

4. Verify Forwarding

Some email providers require verification to ensure you own the forwarding address.

  1. Check Your Forwarding Email: Log in to the email account where you set up forwarding.

  2. Look for a Verification Email: You should receive an email from Spectrum asking you to verify the forwarding request.

  3. Follow the Instructions: Click the verification link or follow the provided instructions to confirm the forwarding setup.

5. Test Email Forwarding

To ensure everything is working correctly, send a test email to your Roadrunner email address and check if it is forwarded to your new email address.

  1. Send a Test Email: Use any email account to send an email to your Roadrunner email address.

  2. Check the Forwarding Email: Confirm that the test email appears in your forwarding email’s inbox.

6. Manage Forwarding Settings

After setting up email forwarding, you might want to manage or update these settings in the future.

  1. Access Forwarding Settings: Log back into your Roadrunner email account and navigate to the forwarding settings.

  2. Update or Remove Forwarding: You can change the forwarding address, disable forwarding, or adjust other settings as needed.

Additional Tips for Email Forwarding

  • Keep Copies of Emails: Some email services allow you to keep a copy of the forwarded email in the original inbox. This can be useful for backup purposes.

  • Check Spam Filters: Ensure that forwarded emails are not being marked as spam in your new email account.

  • Regular Updates: Periodically check your forwarding settings to ensure they remain accurate and functional.

Troubleshooting Email Forwarding Issues

If you encounter any issues while setting up email forwarding, consider the following steps:

  1. Double-Check Email Address: Ensure the forwarding email address is entered correctly.

  2. Check Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection while configuring settings.

  3. Contact Spectrum Support: If problems persist, contact Spectrum customer support for assistance.


Setting up email forwarding from your Roadrunner email to another email account is a straightforward process that can streamline your email management. By following these steps, you can ensure that all your emails are conveniently directed to one central inbox, making it easier to stay organized and efficient. If you encounter any difficulties, Spectrum customer support is available to help you resolve any issues.

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